

Welcome to

Ravens Nest Tattoo

Murphys, California

Hello! My name is Katie Tindell, I am the Owner and Artist behind Ravens Nest Tattoo. Growing up I knew I wanted to strive for a career creating art. Tattoos have always fascinated me. As a young teen I knew nothing about the tattooing process. Throughout my teenage years it is something I quickly grew an interest for and have fallen in love with creating tattoos.

Just before Christmas I found out that I have a brain tumor that has been causing me seizures since October. I will be meeting with a neurosurgeon mid January to discuss the next steps. At this time the seizures have caused me to put a hold on tattooing for the time being. With my passion for art I have decided to create a website to share the things I have been working on while not tattooing. I Appreciate your support as I face this season of life and absolutely can't wait to get back to creating beautiful tattoos on you all.

Meet the Artist